How SKIMMS, Liquid Death, and Other Brands Made Age-Old Products Feel New, Exciting, and Different

Let’s face it — there’s always another brand out there that makes a product similar to yours. Chances are that there are quite a few brands that make products or services similar to yours.

How SKIMMS, Liquid Death, and Other Brands Made Age-Old Products Feel New, Exciting, and Different

Let’s face it — there’s always another brand out there that makes a product similar to yours. Chances are that there are quite a few brands that make products or services similar to yours.

Why the Creator Economy is a Huge Opportunity for Marketers, According to Joe Pulizzi [+ New Data]

Over the last 18 months, the creator economy has been all the rage — and it’s proven to be incredibly lucrative. In fact, as of 2022, the creator economy’s market size is estimated at $104.2 billion.

A Crisis of Disconnection: Three Workplace Trends Slowing Business Growth [New Data]

This post is a part of The Crisis of Disconnection, a thought leadership series examining the latest research and insights to uncover how businesses can meet their growth goals, even amidst unprecedented changes to the way we work.

4 Things Content Marketers Can Learn From HubSpot’s Creators

The creator economy is changing marketing in various ways, and keeping up can be challenging for content marketers unfamiliar with this relatively new landscape.

What HubSpot’s Highest Performing Blog Posts Have in Common & Why These Elements Work

Wondering what elements make up a successful blog post? We reviewed our top 8 blog posts on the Marketing Blog in 2022.

8 Holiday Giveaway Ideas To Boost Revenue

The holidays are right around the corner, so companies everywhere are gearing up to run fun holiday deals and giveaways. You’re in luck if you need fresh ideas for your holiday giveaways. I’ve put together 8 holiday giveaways to spark joy in your customers and simultaneously boost revenue.

Program Management Vs. Project Management: What You Need To Know

Projects and programs are needed to push an organization’s goals forward. And behind every project or program is a manager working diligently to ensure everything runs efficiently. But what is the difference between program management and project management? What do project managers and program managers do?

How To Do Affiliate Marketing on Instagram

Affiliate marketing on Instagram works the same as other platforms, where a business pays someone (i.e., an influencer) a commission for attracting people to purchase its product or service. The amount of commission paid is tracked through a unique code or URL.  

What to Post on Instagram: 18 Photo & Video Ideas to Spark Inspiration

Instagram isn’t just a go-to social network for individuals anymore. Many marketers have caught wind that it’s a powerful social network where they need to have some sort of presence.