The 9 Best Marketing Frameworks You Need to Know

Tackling marketing without a solid plan is like putting together a puzzle without all the pieces — I know this firsthand.

What Is PDCA? Understanding the Plan-Do-Check-Act Method

No matter the industry your organization operates in and the products and services you provide, your business needs to be constantly improving to keep up with a competitive marketplace and evolving consumer needs.

12 Editorial Skills You Need to Become a More Efficient Editor

I consider myself to be a good editor, but I only got to where I am today by practicing my editorial skills. 

How to Start an Ecommerce Business in 2022 [Steps + Must-Follow Tips]

In June 2021, over 440,000 businesses were launched, making it a record high since the start of the pandemic in March 2020.

How to Start an Ecommerce Business in 2022 [Steps + Must-Follow Tips]

In June 2021, over 440,000 businesses were launched, making it a record high since the start of the pandemic in March 2020.

What is User Story Mapping? Steps, Examples + Best Tools Available

Picture this: You’re a product owner and your team has a backlog of features to implement.

Interview Preparation Checklist: 18 Tips to Get the Job

You’ve submitted your resume, talked to a recruiter, and set up a date for the first interview with a great company. But in the days leading up to the big interview, you’re feeling anxious, jittery, and downright scared.

What are Google Discovery Ads? Examples + a Campaign Tutorial

With every campaign comes specific goals advertisers want to achieve. For some, it’s brand awareness. For others, it’s increased website traffic.

90+ Instagram Bio Ideas to Help You Write an Impactful Bio

When I discover a new brand and land on its Instagram profile, the first thing I do is read its bio. Their bio gives me a peek into the brand, what they stand for, and even the special offers they have.

Are Brands Investing in Social Media Communities in 2023? We Asked 1,200+ Marketers

The ultimate goal of social media marketing is to generate revenue, and a crucial step to generating revenue via social media is creating engagement. If your followers don’t engage with your posts, they won’t engage with your business. And a sure way to boost engagement is by fostering a tight-knit social media community.