How to Create a Pie Chart in Excel in 60 Seconds or Less

At the beginning of 2021, I was tasked with an assignment: Create a pie chart showcasing which types of content performed best on the Marketing Blog in 2020.

Arise RevOps, the New Orchestrators of Customer Experience

I care about customers. Whether they’re your customers, my customers, or my customers’ customers, I want every one of them to have a good experience every time they pick up the phone to call a business, open a marketing email, or visit a website.

4 Content Types That Get Non-Organic Traffic, According to Content Strategists

Traffic is a low-impact word for most people but a high-impact word for marketers. Traffic can ultimately dictate success, whether it’s the number of leads that come to your website, visit your social channels, or watch your videos.

How Brands Creatively Hosted Virtual Offsite Meetings

As the world continues to move in a remote-first direction, it’s important to consider how to make your company’s in-person events remote-friendly.

Even if you don’t always do remote events, the remote option is great for anytime your team is spread around the world.

5 SEO Success Stories to Inspire Your 2021 Strategy

Search engine optimization (SEO) may seem like a straightforward concept.

Hulu Introduces New Ad Tool for SMBs: What Marketers Need to Know

Hulu gave us “The Handmaid’s Tale,” then gave us “Little Fires Everywhere.” So, personally, I don’t need another reason to love the streaming platform. But if I had a small business, I would have just gotten one.

6 Creative Strategies for Getting Traffic from Pinterest

Pinterest is an undeniably powerful opportunity to reach and convert new audiences.

How I Grew the HubSpot Podcast Skill Up Audience by 271% in Two Months

This post is a part of Made @ HubSpot, an internal thought leadership series through which we extract lessons from experiments conducted by our very own HubSpotters.

The Most Annoying Types of Ads & What to Do Instead [New Data]

A 2019 Edelman study found that three out of four consumers avoid ads. In fact, 47% said they have changed their media habits to see fewer ads while others use ad blockers to prevent them altogether.

The Most Annoying Types of Ads & What to Do Instead [New Data]

A 2019 Edelman study found that three out of four consumers avoid ads. In fact, 47% said they have changed their media habits to see fewer ads while others use ad blockers to prevent them altogether.