Marketing vs. Advertising: How to Maximize Your Acquisition Efforts

In the beginning of my marketing career, I remember being confused that I was tasked with writing ads or creating ad materials.

Since I fell into this industry accidentally (as one does), I didn’t study marketing in school. I wasn’t aware that advertising and marketing work together and aren’t mutually exclusive.

15 Ideas to Promote Your Next Event

You know the saying, “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”

Well, event promotion is similar. If you put on an event but don’t promote it, will it even happen? Without promotion, you probably won’t get any attendees because no one will know it’s happening.

Why You Might Want to Start a Membership Blog

How can you make your blog more profitable? This is a question most of us are searching for an answer to. And while advertising and affiliate links will bring in some money, what if you could generate more?

33 Free Online Design Tools for Creating Stunning Visual Content for the Web

Who doesn’t love free stuff?

If I can find a free tool to do something I’d otherwise have to pay for in my marketing, I’m going to try the free one first. As long as I can achieve the same quality result from the free tool, there’s no need to waste budget.

9 Mistakes to Avoid When Marketing or Hosting Your Next Webinar, According to Experts

Do you remember the last time you signed up for a webinar? Were you on the edge of your seat waiting in anticipation for the event?

Here’s How to Secure A Corporate Sponsor For Your Next Event

When I only worked from home occasionally, I would spend all day shifting around in my uncomfortable dining chair. Once work from home (WFH) became an everyday thing, I knew my current setup wouldn’t cut it, so I bought a great office chair.

22 Stats that Make a Case for Using Webinars in Your Marketing Strategy

A webinar is a video presentation, seminar, lecture, or workshop delivered over the internet.

What is an Audience Profile? How to Build One and My Favorite Examples

When I think back to the marketing of my childhood (print media, billboards, TV commercials), I can’t believe the marketing power that we have sitting at our fingertips today.

What Are Core Web Vitals? (+ How to Improve Yours)

“Core web vitals” — you‘ve probably heard this phrase buzzing in digital marketing. But what are the core web vitals? Picture them as the three pillars supporting your website’s performance.

What Is Event Branding? + 5 Examples to Inspire You

The look and feel of events changed exponentially after March 2020 as companies moved live events to virtual spaces. But whether your event is online or in-person over the year ahead, event branding is essential to create a memorable experience for attendees.