In the beginning of my marketing career, I remember being confused that I was tasked with writing ads or creating ad materials.
Since I fell into this industry accidentally (as one does), I didn’t study marketing in school. I wasn’t aware that advertising and marketing work together and aren’t mutually exclusive.
You know the saying, “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”
Well, event promotion is similar. If you put on an event but don’t promote it, will it even happen? Without promotion, you probably won’t get any attendees because no one will know it’s happening.
How can you make your blog more profitable? This is a question most of us are searching for an answer to. And while advertising and affiliate links will bring in some money, what if you could generate more?
A webinar is a video presentation, seminar, lecture, or workshop delivered over the internet.