How to Verify Your Facebook Page in 5 Steps [+ Why You Should]

The other day, I searched for “Taylor Swift” on Facebook.

The Plain English Guide to Writing a Business Case

Have you ever heard the age-old classic story of a company that got its start from a back-of-the-napkin idea? Or about the start-ups that started in someone’s garage?

While all those stories are, of course, inspirational, a huge element that they leave out is that every business started because someone felt the project justified spending time and money on it.

25 Post Event Survey Questions to Ask

Just like Joey from “Friends,” we recognize the importance of giving and receiving in marketing. One of the best things to give and receive is feedback.

Without feedback, we would never be able to improve. And even though it’s hard, feedback is a great way to measure success.

13 Things NOT to Do on Facebook

These days, most businesses know they need to have a presence on Facebook. Searching for a business on Facebook and seeing they don’t have a page garners the same reaction from users as searching for a business on Google and seeing they don’t have a website: They just don’t look legitimate.

What is Comparative Advertising? [+ Examples]

Comparative advertising is a marketing tactic which helps to drive brand awareness by comparing their product or service to a competitor.

When executed correctly, comparative ads can successfully convince consumers to do business with one brand over another. But, this strategy requires care and attention, especially as companies may find themselves in the middle of a lawsuit.

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21 Ways To Build Your Social Media Presence, Like HubSpot Marketers

 I was a lazy natural for most of my life. I had natural hair but I never took care of it in the way I should have.

Logo Color Schemes: 25 Examples + Tips From HubSpot’s Brand Team

Choosing the right logo color scheme for your brand can make a significant impact on memorability and awareness.

Web Analytics 101: The Beginner’s Guide That I Live By

One of my favorite things to do on my personal website is to dig into web analytics.

What is a KPI? How To Choose the Best KPIs for Your Business

The question “what is a KPI?” comes up at many meetings. If you want to scale your company, you might be wondering about KPIs and how they can help your business grow.

Do Blog Posts Actually Lead to Purchases? [New Data]

Our 2023 Marketing Trends Report shows that 29% of marketers use a website or blog to attract and convert leads.