Reveals Project Management Statistics & Themes They’ll Be Watching in 2021

There’s a long-established idea that creativity is somehow rooted in chaos: that structure and organization are somehow the enemy of great ideas.

9 Thank You Page Examples to Improve User Experience

Landing pages may be the equivalent of making a good first impression, but thank you pages are the final memory you leave a website visitor with before they go.

What Is YouTube CPM? [+ Why It Matters]

YouTube is a powerful advertising platform with over two billion monthly active users. As a creator, this means you have numerous opportunities to earn money. Understanding YouTube CPM is key to unlocking its potential.

What’s a Conversational Landing Page (& How Do You Create One)?

Marketers have found that conversational experiences on landing pages (such as chatbots and live chat) convert three-to-four times more than a traditional landing page. Additionally, a report from Juniper Research predicts that by 2023, the adoption of chatbots across the retail, banking, and healthcare sectors will save businesses $11 billion annually.

14 Essential Features for Taking Payments on Your Website

There are a lot of things I used to buy in person that I now buy online. I wouldn’t call myself lazy, but it’s just so much easier to carry a box of paper towels from my doorstep into my apartment than it is to carry it down the street from my local grocery store.

And I’m not alone. Whether it’s because of the larger selection, better pricing, convenience, or something else, a lot more people are buying stuff online nowadays instead of in person.

How to Create a Facebook Group for Your Business [+ Why You Should]

In short: Facebook groups are undeniably valuable.

How To Make a Vlog [Step by Step]

I will argue with alarming confidence (and no actual data) that 90’s kids were the original vloggers.

7 Call-to-Action (CTA) Tools to Help You Increase Conversions

When you create and add a compelling call-to-action (CTA) to any content — such as a website, blog post, or social media profile — you have the potential to convert more visitors into qualified leads and customers. That’s because a well-crafted CTA helps increase conversions and, therefore, prospects, customers, and revenue.

How to Monetize Your Brand’s Blog in 2023, According to HubSpot’s Blog Leaders

Are you struggling to monetize a blog? Don’t fret. Whether running a personal blog or managing the official blog on your company’s website, monetizing your blog is achievable with the right know-how.

13 Graphic Design Trends to Use in 2021 — and Two to Avoid

2020 was — in a word — unprecedented