7 Call-to-Action (CTA) Tools to Help You Increase Conversions

When you create and add a compelling call-to-action (CTA) to any content — such as a website, blog post, or social media profile — you have the potential to convert more visitors into qualified leads and customers. That’s because a well-crafted CTA helps increase conversions and, therefore, prospects, customers, and revenue.

How to Monetize Your Brand’s Blog in 2023, According to HubSpot’s Blog Leaders

Are you struggling to monetize a blog? Don’t fret. Whether running a personal blog or managing the official blog on your company’s website, monetizing your blog is achievable with the right know-how.

13 Graphic Design Trends to Use in 2021 — and Two to Avoid

2020 was — in a word — unprecedented

Why You Might Want to Be More Negative in Your Marketing

Ever wake up on the wrong side of the bed?

Of course you have. We all have.

Ever wake up on the wrong side of the bed, and then have to be cheery? Like, interact in social media? Write an engaging blog post? Put together a lovable email marketing campaign?

Ugh. Those are the times you wish you could shut out the world, or at least channel a little of your inner snark.

How to Run Marketing Team Meetings That Don’t Suck

Meetings suck. They’re time for people to avoid doing actual work, stare blankly at each other, throw in generic comments to look like they’re paying attention, and if you’re lucky, maybe come out with some wicked notebook doodles.

How to Leverage Sensory Language in Your Blog Posts [Data + Expert Tips]

Check this out:

“You’re sitting in the creaky, mesh-backed, black ergonomic desk chair you bought at a discount off Amazon — hunched over, eyes reluctantly wide open, staring intently at a dimly lit laptop screen bearing a blank document.

10 Best Event Registration Software Tools [+ What Makes Them Great]

I won’t pretend I’m an event marketer. But my mom has been a director of special events for over 20 years (shoutout to her), so I completely understand the importance of good event registration tools.

13 Tips on How To Nail a Presentation To the Board of Directors

In college, I always made it a point to listen intently to presentations. I knew how stressful and nerve-wracking it was to present in a room of peers and authority figures.

The Ultimate Guide to Design Templates

If someone asked you to create an infographic, where would you start?

8 Inclusive Advertising Tips for 2021, According to Microsoft’s Head of Inclusive Marketing

Advertising can help create a direct connection between consumers and your brand, and is a critical component of marketing.