Impression Share: What it is and How to Improve it

When you launch a digital ad campaign, you want to be sure you’re maximizing your efforts by boosting your ad’s impression share. This metric tells you how well your ad is performing compared to its total potential audience.

75 Stop Words That Are Common in SEO & When You Should Use Them

From blog titles to URL slugs, you might not realize how frequently you use SEO stop words. But, to be fair, if Google doesn’t pay much attention to them, why should you?

How COVID-19 Could Shift Holiday Shopping Behaviors This Year [New Data]

In 2020, B2C businesses all over the world pivoted their strategies as consumers dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic.

What Are Website Traffic Exchange Sites? (And Why You Shouldn’t Use Them)

Traffic matters. The more traffic your website generates, the greater your chances of capturing visitor interest, encouraging user action and generating sales.

Customer Experience Could Be The Reason Your Online Shoppers Aren’t Converting

All humans — including your customers — are emotional creatures.

How to Determine Your A/B Testing Sample Size & Time Frame

I remember running my first A/B test after college. It wasn’t till then that I understood the basics of getting a big enough A/B test sample size or running the test long enough to get statistically significant results.

How to Predict and Analyze Your Customers’ Buying Patterns

Buyers don’t think like marketers or salespeople. Anyone who works in these departments can admit that. More importantly, buyers don’t think like each other either.

How to Get Started With CRM-Powered Advertising [+ Why You Should]

HubSpot was founded during a time when people were under constant attack from aggressive outbound marketing tactics.

Top GDPR Compliance Software

Disclaimer: This blog post is not legal advice for your company to use in complying with EU data privacy laws like the GDPR. Instead, it provides background information to help you better understand the GDPR. This legal information is not the same as legal advice, where an attorney applies the law to your specific circumstances, so we insist that you consult an attorney if you’d like advice on your interpretation of this information or its accuracy.

How to Build a Market Development Strategy [Free Planning Templates]

Your business is getting by just fine – but still, the questions remain: Could you be selling more? Is there an opportunity to increase market share? Is there any way you could further your product diversification efforts?