One of my favorite Super Bowl commercials is 2020’s Boston-set “smaht pahk” ad, which heralded Hyundai’s self-parking feature.
When Larry Drebes, CEO of Janrain, set out to study online consumer experiences earlier this summer, he knew that relevant content would be at the forefront of consumer minds. We’ve seen for years that emails which are personalized to the recipient do better than their generic counterparts.
It’s been over six months since COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic. As we reported in March, the initial impact was painful on businesses. But now, six months in, businesses appear to be adapting to the new normal. Digital transformation is accelerating. Inbound marketing strategies are working incredibly well, while outbound sales strategies are struggling. Buyers are more in control than they’ve ever been, and companies delivering a great digital customer experience are winning.
It’s been over six months since COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic. As we reported in March, the initial impact was painful on businesses. But now, six months in, businesses appear to be adapting to the new normal. Digital transformation is accelerating. Inbound marketing strategies are working incredibly well, while outbound sales strategies are struggling. Buyers are more in control than they’ve ever been, and companies delivering a great digital customer experience are winning.
Data: You can’t live with it, and you can’t live without it. At least, that’s how a lot of marketers feel. In fact, the affair between marketers and their data is often somewhat of a love-hate relationship.
Data: You can’t live with it, and you can’t live without it. At least, that’s how a lot of marketers feel. In fact, the affair between marketers and their data is often somewhat of a love-hate relationship.
When I sit down to write an article, I have a pretty standard routine. I outline the story in our Content Optimization System (COS), copy and paste it into a Google doc, find a good photo to accompany it, do research, write, proofread, and carry it back over to our COS. It’s a weird series of steps that doesn’t necessarily work for everyone, but it does for me. They’re my very own personal blogging habits.