Ghostwriting 101: Tips from Bloggers Who’ve Done It

As someone who has done it in the past, ghostwriting can certainly be a bit spooky at first.Wondering whether you’re doing your subjects and their ideas justice can run a chill down your spine.

From my perspective, taking the fear out of ghostwriting comes down to knowing when to use your subject’s voice or your own.

What Is Ad Fatigue? + How to Diagnose & Cure It

To consider what ad fatigue is, let’s start with an example.

Learning SEO? The Beginner’s List of Resources to Get Started

You can’t get a degree in SEO. Books on SEO quickly become out-of-date.

5 Brands That Won Australian Advertising Awards [+What Marketers Can Learn From Them]

With all the work marketing teams are responsible for, it can be hard to make time to get reinspired and capture a spark of creativity that leads to a new, marketing strategy. This can be even more problematic for brands in physically isolated areas.

6 SEO KPIs Every Search Marketer Should Know

Ever since I was first introduced to search engine optimization (SEO), I’ve had to use it in every role I’ve had from editorial writing jobs to marketing blogging.

While SEO was never my sole focus, I had to learn how to measure the success of my efforts.

What is a website taxomomy?

While scavenger hunts can be fun, users don’t want to frantically search through a website to find answers to their questions. They want them quickly, and they want them to be easy to find.

7 Australian Companies with Great Taglines [+What Marketers Can Learn From Them]

It’s no secret that people who live in startup-filled cities have seen some of the wildest brand names.

B2C Marketing Automation and 5 Top Software Tools to Power It

Any B2C marketer can attest to the total relief that comes right after setting up successful email automation. To know that your customers will receive personalized emails without you having to manually write each and every one … whew, that’s powerful stuff.

How to Post to Instagram From Your Computer [12 Easy Steps]

Posting to Instagram from your computer is a great choice if you don’t have your phone on hand or need to access company assets on your laptop. Or you might simply prefer to use a wider screen.

101 Most Profitable Blog Niches & Finding One That Works for You

There’s an obscure album by an equally obscure guitarist named Duck Baker called There’s Something for Everyone in America. That idea that “there’s something for everyone” doesn’t just apply to America — the concept is also relevant to niche blog topics.