Gen Z Buying Habits: What Gen Z Spends On & Why Marketers Need to Care

With a purchasing power of more than $450 billion in the United States alone, Gen Z’s buying habits are shaking up the global retail landscape. And honestly, it’s no surprise looking at my younger cousins, nieces, and nephews.

8 Modern Tips for Marketing to Millennials

You’ve seen the articles lamenting the death of certain industries and changing consumer attitudes, all paying tribute (negatively or positively) to a certain generation born in the 80s and 90s. It seems that journalists love to write about Millennials and marketers love to analyze them. Why, though? 

It’s the Little Things: How To Write Microcopy

Earlier today, I visited Yelp to order lunch. What I always really liked about the site is how easy it is to navigate. If I were accessing the website for the first time, I wouldn’t have any worries about how to use it to my benefit.

What Is a White Paper? [FAQs]

The definition of a white paper varies heavily from industry to industry, which can be a little confusing for marketers looking to create one for their business.

The old-school definition comes from politics, where it means a legislative document explaining and supporting a particular political solution.

Do Consumers Actually Engage With In-Stream Ads? [New Data]

In 2020, video outpaced blogging and infographics as the most common content marketing strategy.

How to A/B Test CTAs Like HubSpot Experts

The call to action is a put up or shut up moment that can turn curiosity into a legitimate business opportunity. It’s the bridge between visitors and leads — a point of entry that allows you to capitalize on the web traffic you generate.

Integrated Marketing Examples: 8 Best Campaigns, According to HubSpot

One of my favorite methods of marketing is integrated marketing. I love when I’m scrolling through social media and I see branding for a product, film, service, or artist that adapted to different channels.

25 Stats That Prove Why You Need Link-Building in Your SEO Strategy

You probably already know how crucial SEO is for your website’s traffic.

25 Stats That Prove Why You Need Link-Building in Your SEO Strategy

You probably already know how crucial SEO is for your website’s traffic.