Does your Website Make the Grade in 2021?

A while ago (as in 13 years ago) we created the first Website Grader. The goal was simple: help anyone with a website evaluate its effectiveness at attracting an audience of interested and relevant buyers.

20 Mobile Apps to Create Stunning Social Media Visuals

Ultimately, most of us find it much easier to remember content we’ve seen when it’s accompanied by visuals — which is why visuals are so widely used in marketing.

16 Best Email Previewing, Testing, & Rendering Tools

You know the expression, “What you see is what you get”? Well, an email preview makes sure that’s the case when it comes to sending email marketing campaigns.

8 Strategies for Google Shopping Ads That’ll Boost Your Conversion Rates

Did you know there were over 214.7 million digital buyers in the US in 2022? Online shopping has become a mainstream revenue source for businesses. So, with the right Google Shopping campaign structure, your business can soar.

Optimize or Advertise? Comparing Organic vs. Paid Social Media

They say, “The best things in life are free.” Which I never thought was necessarily true. I mean some of the best things are free — love, sunshine, fireflies, and whatnot. But there are a lot of awesome things that cost money — nunchucks, BMX bikes, DVDs of the movie Kung Fu Panda 3.

The Start-to-Finish Guide to Writing a Social Media Proposal

Whether you’re providing social media management, marketing, or consulting services, the crucial step in winning a client is sending out a business proposal.

Should You Be Blogging For Enterprise Customers? Yes, Here’s Why.

When I sit down to write a blog post, I stick to a routine that has some flexibility.

The way I write changes from time to time, but two things never change: who I’m writing for, and how to deliver the best experience.

Ebooks vs. Whitepapers: Which One Should You Choose?

One of my favorite ways to learn new skills is by reading an ebook or whitepaper.

20 Mobile Email Marketing Stats That’ll Make You Better at Your Job

By 2022, Statista anticipates that more than 333 billion emails will be sent each data.

To give you an idea of how big that number is, if each email were a star, the cluster would be 50% bigger than the Milky Way Galaxy.

I hope I’m not the only one who thinks the statistic above is mind-blowing.

12 Reasons to Integrate Visual Content Into Your Marketing Campaigns [IG]

With some 1.7 billion websites worldwide, it’s fair to say the web of 2020 is a cluttered place.