Phases of Website Redesign: The Ultimate Guide for Marketers

The first website redesign project I led was a six-month-long baptism by fire. I learned everything on the fly, which is a great way to grow and get hands-on experience — and also a highly effective way to breed stress and anxiety.

Product Strategy: Defining a Product’s Purpose and Plan

Say I’m in the process of developing a new waffle iron. It’s going to be capable of perfectly detecting when a waffle is golden brown no matter the volume or thickness of the batter. We’re talking about next-level waffle technology. It could be an absolute game-changer, but in this scenario, something goes horribly wrong. 

8 Noteworthy Examples of Corporate Social Media Policies

Like it or not, social media is ingrained in our everyday lives. People use it to share their happy moments and grievances, ask questions, and even find jobs while employers market themselves and connect with their buyers.

10 Social Media Fails to Avoid in 2020

Chances are you’ve witnessed a social media fail sometime in the past year. It usually results from a sense of urgency, or a miscommunication that ignores common sense, all for the sake of gaining attention.

How HubSpot’s Report-Based Acquisition Campaign Hit 150% of Our Lead Goal in 30 Days

This post is a part of Made @ HubSpot, an internal thought leadership series through which we extract lessons from experiments conducted by our very own HubSpotters.

Acquisition marketing campaigns are critical to bring in new customers and revenue. At HubSpot, we run these campaigns quarterly.

Deal Creation Bounces Back After Early April Lows [COVID-19 Benchmark Data, Updated Weekly]

The economic impact of COVID-19 is undeniable. Businesses all across the globe are learning how to adapt to these new circumstances and we’re all learning how to operate in a “new normal” that’s constantly changing.

4 Pivots Companies Are Making in Light of COVID-19 [New Data]

When HubSpot surveyed a handful of business leaders within our customer base, we discovered that most expect to see “somewhat slower” or “much slower” growth in the next year as a result of the global pandemic and economic climate.

LinkedIn’s Testing Its Own Stories Feature: What Marketers Need to Know

On an average day in 2020, roughly 500 million people watch Instagram Stories while 186 million people log into Snapchat.

How to Accept Payments Online [7 Top Payment Processing Providers]

With only 16% of consumers carrying cash and the popularity of ecommerce, if you don’t have a payment processor for your business, you’re missing out.

How Responsive Web Design Works

It’s no secret that more and more people are accessing the internet using their mobile devices in addition to or in place of desktop computers. In fact, there are almost 7 billion mobile users worldwide. (For reference, the world population is currently 7.8 billion. That’s a lot of mobile activity.)