How HubSpot Uses Long-Form Video to Build a Brand

Nowadays, video is an undoubtedly powerful marketing tool — in fact, 85% of businesses use video for their marketing efforts, and 88% of video marketers report that video gives them a positive ROI.

What Is a Media Mix & The Most Effective Types [HubSpot Blog Data]

I’ve realized that to truly connect with customers, it’s essential to be everywhere they are — whether that’s on social media, email, websites, or even traditional outlets like TV and radio. This is where a solid media mix comes into play.

What You Need to Know About Creating a ‘Do Not Reply’ Email


During my summer break in 2009, I was sitting on my couch, watching Disney Channel, and eating a snack — chips and salsa to be exact.

Well, chips and a one gallon Tupperware full of my aunt’s famous spicy salsa.

While I’m watching TV, all of a sudden, I accidentally drop the entire gallon of cold salsa on my lap.

AI Predictions that Could Impact Marketers in 2025 [Trending Data & Expert Insights]

AI has gone mainstream. 

22 Facebook Stats to Know in 2023 [+HubSpot Data]

Facebook has been around for almost 20 years, and with newer platforms like TikTok and Threads on the rise, you may wonder if it’s worth marketing your brand or organization on the social network.

500 Atlassians Worked Remotely for a Week — Here’s What We Learned

Like most companies, Atlassian has a mixture of people who are working from home full-time (like me) and those who grab an ad-hoc day when the plumber is coming or they can’t stop sneezing. But our collective WFH muscles got a major workout recently when 500 of us went remote during the week-long gap between moving out of one office space and into another.

Super Bowl Ads Were Short This Year: Here’s Why That Worked

Each year, it seems like most of the Super Bowl is consumed by ads.

But this year, when the Super Bowl ended before 10:30 PM EST, some big-game party-goers wondered, “Were there fewer ads this year?”

Event Invitation Emails: How to Create One that Rocks

Running a successful event can be stressful, especially when you have so much to coordinate, including the agenda, the venue, and the speakers

22 Examples of Nostalgia Marketing that Make Customers Feel Good

Nostalgia marketing is the advertising equivalent of comfort food.

Subdomain or Subdirectory? What They Are & How They Affect SEO

One of the most heated arguments that I’ve been a part of was about whether or not Taylor Swift is a good dancer.