Nowadays, video is an undoubtedly powerful marketing tool — in fact, 85% of businesses use video for their marketing efforts, and 88% of video marketers report that video gives them a positive ROI.
During my summer break in 2009, I was sitting on my couch, watching Disney Channel, and eating a snack — chips and salsa to be exact.
Well, chips and a one gallon Tupperware full of my aunt’s famous spicy salsa.
While I’m watching TV, all of a sudden, I accidentally drop the entire gallon of cold salsa on my lap.
Like most companies, Atlassian has a mixture of people who are working from home full-time (like me) and those who grab an ad-hoc day when the plumber is coming or they can’t stop sneezing. But our collective WFH muscles got a major workout recently when 500 of us went remote during the week-long gap between moving out of one office space and into another.