What is Local Advertising and How Does it Work? [+ Examples]

A couple of years ago, I ran to every grocery store and convenience store in my area, looking for one specific thing.

14 Best Screen Recorders to Use for Collaboration

For your team, screen recorders can be used for several reasons — from creating tutorials for your website to recording a recurring tech issue to sending your marketing team a quick note instead of an email.

8 Examples of Influencer Marketing on TikTok

Since TikTok launched in 2017, marketers have been trying to wrap their minds around the odd-ball video platform. Now, many are realizing that the key to brand awareness might involve sponsoring influencer content on the app.

Why does this strategy make sense? There are a few great reasons why influencer marketing can be beneficial on a new or niche app like TikTok.

5 Examples of Sensory Branding in Retail

When I was in middle school, the coolest place to shop was Abercrombie & Fitch. I loved going in and picking out my favorite jeans and hoodies. The issue was that my mom — who I depended on to drive me to the mall — couldn’t stand going into the store. Why? Long story short, she referred to her experiences at the Abercrombie store as “sensory overload”.

How to Build a Product Ecosystem Buyers Will Want to Be In

A product ecosystem functions in a very similar way to an environmental ecosystem. Like the symbiotic relationship found in nature, a product ecosystem is when products can coexist in a way that’s beneficial for the customer (not to mention, brings in more revenue for the business).

Images, GIFs or Video: Which Perform Best on Instagram?

Instagram is a wildly popular platform for consumers and companies alike. One reason the platform is so successful is due to its visual nature. Not only are images and videos more engaging than written text, but visual content is remembered more than text.

Images, GIFs or Video: Which Perform Best on Instagram?

Instagram is a wildly popular platform for consumers and companies alike. One reason the platform is so successful is due to its visual nature. Not only are images and videos more engaging than written text, but visual content is remembered more than text.

Marketers Deserve Enterprise Software That Doesn’t Suck

“Old and clunky”

Businesses Still Can’t Nail Effective Communication [New Data]

Whatever your niche or industry, there’s no debate: Effective communication —both internal and external — is critical to your company’s success. With more technology available than ever before, you’d think it would be easy to master.

Google Discover: What It Is and What Marketers Need to Know

Since 2018, online publishers have been seeing sudden noticeable spikes of mobile traffic to their websites.