How We Prioritized Which Review Sites We Care About at HubSpot

This post is a part of Made @ HubSpot, an internal thought leadership series through which we extract lessons from experiments conducted by our very own HubSpotters.

HubSpot CEO Brian Halligan has said it many times: More businesses die each day from overeating than from starvation. They spread themselves across so many different priorities that it becomes impossible to gain major traction with any of them.

5 Secrets of Creating Click-Worthy Social Media Cards

Before my blog writing days at HubSpot, I was working at a marketing agency where I was in charge of social media posts for our clients.

One time, I was posting a blog on Facebook, but it kept aggregating the wrong image.

Frustrated, I went to Google to find the answer: social media cards.

5 Examples of Truly Unique Company Culture

When I start a job search, a huge factor that notates whether or not I send in an application is a company culture I can see myself contributing to and thriving in. I am totally one of the candidates who won’t apply to a company with a negative reputation.

How HubSpot Uses Influencer Marketing to Build Authentic Relationships and Reach New Audiences

What do you picture when you think about influencer marketing? At first thought, I picture a lifestyle blogger holding a popular tea, makeup, or activewear brand in an Instagram post. (Perhaps I need to mix up my Instagram following … 🤔)

How to Successfully Migrate a Website Without Harming SEO [Checklist]

An outdated website won’t represent your brand well.

What Exactly Is Semantic Search (& How Does it Affect SEO)

Ten years ago, SEO strategists across the world followed a relatively similar process.

What Do Contractors Own? A Guide to Freelance Copyright

When I was a young teenager, I used to write songs with my best friend.

We knew that one day we’d be famous songwriters (because, of course we would), and we didn’t want to fight about who owned the songs when we were famous.

Reddit Stats and Facts to Know in 2025

Reddit has evolved from its 2005 origins into a digital powerhouse, proving itself as an invaluable territory for marketers.

15 Tips That Make Freelance Writers Successful

When I scroll through Facebook and Instagram, I often see ads from people who are freelance writers, promoting the “working from anywhere” lifestyle.

Ephemeral Content: How & Why to Invest in Content That Disappears

Last year, Sony Pictures earned over 45 million impressions and made over a million in incremental movie ticket purchases.