The 20 Quantifiable Benefits of Social Media Marketing for Business

If you’ve been a marketer for a while, you most likely know the basic facts about social media marketing: It’s cost-effective and it’s a way to engage with your customers and potential customers. All that sounds great, but you might be wondering what the data actually says about social media use.

Inbound Marketing vs. Outbound Marketing

When I talk with most marketers about how they generate leads and fill the top of their sales funnel, most say outbound marketing.

15 Essential Social Media Marketing Tips From Beginner to Advanced

One of the most humbling experiences as a marketer is putting out that tweet you just knew would be a home run for your audience.

16 Effective Ways to Build Your Online Presence

The other day I was trying to find the perfect dress pant yoga pants because I wanted comfortable, professional clothing options.

Facebook and Instagram Might Remove Like Counts: What This Means for Marketers

For the past few months, Instagram has been testing a new app design that removes total Like and view counts from posts in its News Feed and on profile pages.

The Future of Work Is in These 3 Things

People are changing the way they work. The root of this change is the growing acceptance of flexibility in the workplace. So, when we talk about the future of work, we have to focus on what’s influencing change.

The Plain-English Guide to Integrated Marketing Communications

I fly Southwest Airlines almost exclusively. They offer reasonable prices, make racketing points easy, and always have fun and kind flight attendants.

How Our Main Competitor Helped Chanty Increase Leads by 10K

In any industry, a competitive analysis is an important component of your marketing strategy.

10 Clio Winning Campaigns That Marketers Can Learn From

When you’re building an advertising strategy, it can be difficult to come up with creative ideas that help you capture new audiences.

Instagram SEO: 10 Techniques for Increasing Your Reach

Creating an Instagram SEO strategy is critical for marketers as the platform has become more popular than social media giants Twitter and LinkedIn.

*Bonus Content* Click here to unlock 20 more powerful strategies & hacks for  increasing Instagram engagement.