63 Facebook Statistics to Know for 2021

Even if you don’t personally enjoy using Facebook, there’s no denying the fact that it remains the largest social media platform in the world.

With over2.8 billion monthly active users, anyone serious about marketing a business on social media needs to pay special attention to how they use Facebook.

53 Facebook Statistics to Know for 2019

As a marketer, it’s useful to keep track of social media sites by the numbers. Statistics help organize where to invest your ad dollars in content and which areas to avoid. Whether you’re interested in where to begin the buyer’s journey on Facebook or the cost of paying for ads, find the Facebook statistics you need to know for 2019.

KPI Dashboards & How to Use Them in Your Marketing

As a business leader, a big part of your responsibilities involves ensuring existing projects and initiatives within your organization are on track while creating space for smart new strategies.

KPI Dashboards & How to Use Them in Your Marketing

The life of a business leader is all about juggling your priorities — and a big part of keeping everything moving is making sure that existing initiatives are on-track, while creating space for smart new strategies.

How I Write Effective SOPs: A Complete Guide [+ Free Template]

In 2019, I was a freelance writer with no idea what SOPs were, relying on mental checklists and scrawled notes.

What Are SOPs & How Do You Write Good Ones?

Imagine this: You’re a project manager at a boutique marketing firm tasked with training the new PM and getting them up to speed on how to do their job to meet expectations. To fulfill this request, you probably had to learn a series of actions already set in place. That series of actions is called a standard operating procedure (SOP), and they help to routinize job functions.

How to Buy Business Software, According to HubSpot’s Learning & Development Manager

This post is a part of Made @ HubSpot, an internal thought leadership series through which we extract lessons from experiments conducted by our very own HubSpotters.

As someone who manages HubSpot’s learning technology, I’ve gone about buying software the wrong way at times. I’ve pushed ahead without the right technical partners, I’ve missed a contract auto-renewal deadline, and I’ve rolled out changes to my team without empathy for how it might affect their day-to-day.

The 20 Top PR Conferences of 2020

Have you ever talked about the importance of professional development at work, then become so busy that six months and then a year go by without any of that development actually happening?

The 20 Top PR Conferences of 2020

Have you ever talked about the importance of professional development at work, then become so busy that six months and then a year go by without any of that development actually happening?

Instagram Shopping: The Ultimate Guide

Glossier is an online cosmetics brand boasting $1 billion in sales, a rare sight for a four-year-old company. To what does the company owe its success? In part, to Instagram Shopping.