Welcome to The Science Behind Success — a new blog series that explores the best ways to help our brains perform better at work. With psychological research and interviews with leaders in the field, we’re showing you how psychology can help you overcome workplace obstacles and excel in your career. Because a little mindset change could go a long way.
Pop quiz: If you had to define product marketing right now, what would you say?
A lot of folks have difficulty answering this question — but don’t worry, it’s not your fault. Although product marketing is a prominent department across both B2B and B2C companies, it’s pretty hard to find a good definition of it anywhere … even on Google.
Nothing ruins a great website more than a poor loading experience. In fact, Google has said that visitors who experience a load time of seven seconds are 113% more likely to bounce off a page.
A happy work environment is critical for increased productivity and engagement among your employees. Additionally, happy employees can result in more loyal customers, and can positively impact your company’s bottom-line.