Bad marketing advice can make or break a brand. If marketers sidestep well-meaning but counterproductive suggestions, they’re better positioned to capture consumer interest.
Pay-per-click (or PPC) marketing can feel like a daunting task. From creating ads to monitoring performance and understanding bidding strategies, there’s a lot to take in. But PPC keyword research is an often under-appreciated, yet necessary, component of search engine marketing.
Pay-per-click (or PPC) marketing can feel like a daunting task. From creating ads to monitoring performance and understanding bidding strategies, there’s a lot to take in. But PPC keyword research is an often under-appreciated, yet necessary, component of search engine marketing.
If you network a lot, you likely have dozens of business cards in different bags, pockets, and wallets. But when you’re looking for something about the same size and thickness as a business card?
It becomes clear how alike most business cards have come to look.
If you network a lot, you likely have dozens of business cards in different bags, pockets, and wallets. But when you’re looking for something about the same size and thickness as a business card?
It becomes clear how alike most business cards have come to look.
It was an interesting year to be a marketer. Expectations were high, budgets were low, content moved at the speed of light, and marketers had to make magic happen through it all.