3 Tips on Launching a Kickass Podcast, from My First Million Producers

The pandemic birthed a rise in puppies, planting flowers in Animal Crossing, and podcasts — with 1.1m+ shows launched in 2020 alone.

The Best Marketing Jobs and Careers for You to Pursue in 2023 (BIR NNP)

Marketing seems simple, but it gets more complex as you break it down. If you don’t already know about marketing careers, scanning jobs online could convince you that this isn’t your dream job.

The Best Marketing Jobs and Careers for You to Pursue in 2023 (BIR NNP)

Marketing seems simple, but it gets more complex as you break it down. If you don’t already know about marketing careers, scanning jobs online could convince you that this isn’t your dream job.

I Took a Deep Dive Into ASO Marketing. Here’s What I Learned.

Confession — I have a long history of skin allergies. Recently, I’ve been searching for an app that would let me track all the cosmetics that I use (or plan to) to spot ingredients that could potentially cause skin irritation.

I Took a Deep Dive Into ASO Marketing. Here’s What I Learned.

Confession — I have a long history of skin allergies. Recently, I’ve been searching for an app that would let me track all the cosmetics that I use (or plan to) to spot ingredients that could potentially cause skin irritation.

I Took a Deep Dive Into the Marketing Funnel, Here’s What I Learned

Ever felt the thrill of coming into work only to notice that plenty of new leads have started signing up for a product demo through an article or asset you’ve created?

I Took a Deep Dive Into the Marketing Funnel, Here’s What I Learned

Ever felt the thrill of coming into work only to notice that plenty of new leads have started signing up for a product demo through an article or asset you’ve created?

Buyer Persona 101: Tips and Examples to Create Yours

In the eight years of my marketing career, I’ve always believed that good marketing ultimately boils down to how well you know your buyers.

Buyer Persona 101: Tips and Examples to Create Yours

In the eight years of my marketing career, I’ve always believed that good marketing ultimately boils down to how well you know your buyers.

55 Funny Commercials We Love From the Last Five Years

It seems like every commercial is trying to be funny these days, and it makes sense because humor is a way to sell your brand without outwardly selling something.

By appealing to a consumers’ funny bone, you’re able to engage with them and help them remember your brand.